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Top 10 SSU News Stories of 2015

Sonoma State University grew tremendously in 2015--literally, in that the school welcomed its largest student body to date, but also academically, thanks in part to a rebounding economy and an infusion of new professors. It was tough to pick just 10 stories to highlight out of the many memorable moments of 2015, but check out to see the rest of the year that was at SSU. Without further ado, here are Sonoma State University's top 10 stories of 2015.

10. Turtle Power

Nearly 50 threatened western pond turtles were released into San Francisco's Mountain Lake. About 100 people came out to see the turtles released into their new, native habitat after being hatched and raised in SSU's Turtle Head Start program at the San Francisco Zoo and Oakland Zoo.

Sep 18, 2015 SSU Teams Up With Bay Area Zoos to Help Save Threatened Turtles

9. New Teachers

Twenty new tenure-track faculty were introduced for the 2015-16 year. Professors will offer classes in the schools of Arts and Humanities, Business and Economics, Education, Science and Technology, and Social Sciences.

Aug 25, 2015 20 Tenure-Track Faculty Join SSU for 2015-16

8. Making More than Grades

Ever wanted to purchase something made by a Seawolf? Now you can at the Made By Seawolves student store, where students sell their handmade clothes, jewelry, art and more. After a successful soft opening this semester, the retail space in the Student Center will have a grand opening next year.

Nov 30, 'Made By Seawolves' Store Gives Students Hands-On Entrepreneurship Experience

7. Healing the World

After starting three years ago with just 38 students, the Nursing Transition into Practice certificate program saw 109 medical professionals graduate with guaranteed North Bay jobs.

Jul 23, 2015 More Than 100 to Graduate Nursing Certificate Program With Guaranteed Jobs

6. Most. Students. Ever.

Sonoma State welcomes over 9,400 students for 2015-2016, the largest student body in the school's 54-year history.

Aug 25, 2015 SSU Welcomes Largest Student Body in School's History

5. Moving Music

The $165 million Green Music Center opened in 2012 to critical acclaim, and this year the Sonoma State University Symphony Orchestra gave its inaugural performance in Weill Hall.

Dec 15, Inaugural SSU Symphony Orchestra Performance Receives Standing Ovation

4. More Wine!

The Wine Business Institute at Sonoma State boosted its total donation amount to $7 million this year thanks to donations from Hamel Family Wines, Bouchaine Vineyards, Alpha Omega Winery, Pierce Education Properties, Rubin Family Wines and others. Thanks to incredible financial and community support, the Institute is on track to open in the former Commons building on campus in 2017.

Feb 11, 2015 $3 Million Donation Establishes Hamel Family Faculty Chair in Wine Business

3. Academic Athletes

The women's volleyball set some amazing records in their CCAA Championship run, but all student-athletes deserve a pat on the back this year. SSU's student-athletes recorded the highest grade point average in school history in 2014-2015, combining for a 3.037 GPA. More than 40 percent of the 290 student-athletes had a GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Jul 14, 2015 SSU Student-Athletes Earn Highest GPA in School's History

2. No Butts About It

Sonoma State became the second campus in the California State University to go smoke free on July 1. Reaction to the news from students, staff and alumni was overwhelmingly positive.

Jan 30, 2015 SSU Goes Smoke-Free

1. Adios, Presidente

After 24 years as president of SSU, Ruben ArmiƱana announced his retirement at convocation this year. A new president will be announced in January and take the reins at Sonoma State July 1.

Aug 24, 2015 SSU President Ruben ArmiƱana Announces Retirement