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CSU Students Can Now Take More Fully-Online Courses Every Term

CSU Fully Online launches with more than 3,000 online courses available to current students

A key tenet of the California State University’s efforts to improve student achievement under Graduation Initiative 2025 is helping students get the courses they need, when they need them. The university’s latest effort in this area is the launch of CSU Fully Online. Through CSU Fully Online, CSU undergraduate students have the opportunity to take one free fully-online course offered at another CSU campus every term, moving them one step closer to earning a high-quality degree.

“As we press forward with our Graduation Initiative 2025 efforts, online education is an important strategy for meeting students’ needs and facilitating degree completion,” said Nathan Evans, interim assistant vice chancellor, Student Academic Services for the CSU Office of the Chancellor. “The CSU Fully Online program provides students opportunities for cross-campus enrollment and access to a wide variety of courses that may not be immediately available at their home campus.” 

More than 3,000 courses are available through CSU Fully Online. These courses transfer for credit as a General Education requirement, specific course fulfillment or as an elective. 

CSU students are eligible to take part in CSU Fully Online if they meet the following criteria:

  • Have completed at least one term (semester or quarter) at a CSU campus and earned at least 12 units at the campus.
  • Have a GPA of at least 2.0 at their home campus and are in good academic standing.
  • Are or will be enrolled at their home campus during the time they are taking a fully-online class through another CSU campus.
  • Have paid tuition as a full-time student at their home campus.

The CSU has a long history of meeting the needs of students through high-quality online education opportunities. In fall 2017, the CSU offered over 5,200 online course sections and more than 118,000 students enrolled in at least one online course. Recently the CSU announceda new collaboration with the California Community Colleges – Finish Faster! – providing students of either system with access to 10,000 online transferrable courses this summer.

For more information about how the CSU is working to improve student achievement, please visit the Graduation Initiative 2025 website.

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About the California State University
The California State University is the largest system of four-year higher education in the country, with 23 campuses, 50,800 faculty and staff and 484,000 students. Half of the CSU's students transfer from California community colleges. Created in 1960, the mission of the CSU is to provide high-quality, affordable education to meet the ever-changing needs of California. With its commitment to quality, opportunity, and student success, the CSU is renowned for superb teaching, innovative research and for producing job-ready graduates. Each year, the CSU awards more than 110,000 degrees. One in every 20 Americans holding a college degree is a graduate of the CSU and our alumni are 3.4 million strong. Connect with and learn more about the CSU in the CSU NewsCenter.