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Three alums working with world champions

By Nicolas Grizzle (’06)

If you’ve watched anything on NBC Sports Bay Area in the past seven years, there’s a good chance you’ve seen the work of three Sonoma State University graduates on the air. David Tedla, Josephine Lin, and Tara Funk each graduated from SSU in 2014 with BA degrees in Communications, and each now works with world champions including the Golden State Warriors, San Francisco Giants, Oakland A’s, and San Francisco 49ers at NBC Sports Bay Area, making top-quality sports content on-air and online. Here’s a look at what they do, how they got there, and some advice for students looking to get into the broadcasting field.

David Tedla (DT), Producer (Including San Francisco 49ers pregame and postgame Shows) // Josephine Lin (JL), Multi-Platform Video Producer & Editor // Tara Funk (TF), Senior Designer

Q: Tell me a little about your day-to-day activities at work.

DT: I start to prep for the Sunday show on Tuesday, Thursday we have our production meeting, and Friday, I put the show together. On Sunday, all the prep work during the week becomes a reality as we do the pregame show live. After that ends, I start working on the postgame show as we react to what happens in the game.

JL: I’m responsible for producing and editing daily video content covering the Bay Area’s professional sports teams.

TF: I am a bit of an “anything you need, I can create” type of person. From illustrations highlighting a team’s accomplishments to editing a player’s head on for a funny video, I have done it.

Q: What is something you really like about your job?

JL: I’m the producer/editor for a monthly show we air on our network called “All A’s,” a show I used to watch all the time when I was younger—full circle moment!

TF: I get to combine sports and art/design! What a dream for me to combine my two loves into a singular job.

DT: I grew up a sports fan, and the fact I do this for a living is pretty wild to me.

Q: What is something you’re proud of in your career thus far?

TF: I have my artwork airing on TV quite often. I also designed and painted a guitar for Brandon Crawford that he then to presented to David Ross for his retirement.

DT: After the death of George Floyd I was able to help create a show called “Race in America: A Candid Conversation.” It was one of the most important shows I have ever been a part of.

JL: I was the first female full-time video editor ever hired on our staff in the news production department. I take a lot of pride in that, considering there is a lack of females and minorities who work in sports. I hope we continue to see more people of color holding these roles and that I can be an example for anyone who aspires to work in this industry.

Q: How did your time at SSU prepare you for the job you have today?

DT: Sonoma State introduced me to an amazing friend and a great career in sports television. My friend Josephine Lin was an intern at Comcast Sportsnet Bay Area (original name of the company), so I applied for that internship and was accepted for the position. Josephine and I would carpool from Rohnert Park to San Francisco when we had the same shift.

JL: I was a member of the SSU-TV News Team in 2012, which was my first introduction to hands-on broadcasting experience.

TF: Two things, in particular, helped me with the job I have today. First, the mandatory internship—I underestimated how important an internship would be in getting a job here at NBC Sports. The second was my senior project from my time in the Communications department. I really threw myself into the project with the idea of presenting it to NBC Sports later.

Q: What advice would you give to current or future students looking to get into your field?

TF: Internships are a huge deal. Being an intern gives you the opportunity to know management face to face and learn about the needs of the office. Also, I learned quickly that everyone is always busy, so it’s good to identify a talent or skill you have that helps alleviate workloads from others to make yourself an asset. People will hire those who help fix a problem.

DT: Find something you are passionate about, and if you can make that your career, work will not feel like work.

JL: Apply for internships and get that hands-on experience! Take all the skills you learn in the SSU Communications program along with your internship experiences, and you’re already headed in the right direction!

Julia Gonzalez