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Staff and Faculty Invited to Generation Z Events

The two-day Generation Z event on March 23 and 24 provides information on the characteristics and attributes of the incoming class of students. Corey Seemiller, one of the authors of the novel Generation Z Goes to College will showcase interpretations, implications, and recommendations for University changes that will maximize the educational experience of the forthcoming Generation.

Friday, March 24th 
Recruiting and Admitting Gen Z @9am; Student Center, Ballroom B/C 
We have to do more than just build it for them to come. Learn tips and strategies to outreach, recruit, and admit Generation Z students to college.

Engaging Generation Z in Meaningful Learning/Teaching Gen Z @10am; Student Center, Ballroom B/C 
The interests, motivations, styles, and needs of Generation Z are vastly different than their Millennial counterparts and require us to educate in new and unique ways. Learn methods for enhancing your teaching while maximizing Generation Z’s learning.

Getting Generation Z Involved and Engaged on Campus @11am; Student Center, Ballroom B/C 
Generation Z has different motivations, interests, and passions than Millennials, yet we still use our same old tricks to try to get them engaged on campus. Learn how to design engagement opportunities, programming, and leadership experiences to get those Gen Zers involved!

Navigating the World as a Gen Zer @2pm; Student Center, Ballroom B/C
Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and now… Gen Z. Come learn some tips and strategies on how to best learn from, work for, and build relationships with those in other generations.

Generation Z Goes to College explores findings from an in-depth study of over 1,000 Generation Z college students from 15 vastly different U.S. higher education institutions, as well as additional studies from youth, market, and education research related to this generation. This novel is the first of its kind to research how this up-and-coming generation will impact higher education.

These events are key to further understand the Generation Z age of students. Generation Z is rapidly replacing Millennials on college campuses. Those born from 1995 through 2010 have different motivations, learning styles, characteristics, skill sets, and social concerns than previous generations. Unlike Millennials, Generation Z students grew up in a recession and are under no illusions about their prospects for employment after college. While skeptical about the cost and value of higher education, they are also entrepreneurial, innovative, and independent learners concerned with effecting social change. Understanding Generation Z’s mindset and goals is paramount to supporting, developing, and educating them through higher education.

For additional information about the Generation Z Goes to College event please visit 
Seawolf Living.

Generation Z Goes to College is sponsored in part by Campus Life Programming, the Faculty Center and Student Recruitment