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SSU student transcripts now available online - in minutes

Until recently, if a Sonoma State student wanted to order a transcript, he or she had to go in person to the Records office, fill out forms and pay a postal fee to wait up to two weeks to receive their transcript in the mail.

Not so anymore.

Now, thanks to the University’s recently inaugurated electronic transcript system, the process of acquiring a transcript can be done entirely online - in a matter of minutes.

According to SSU Provost Lisa Vollendorf, the system was the product of a working partnership involving Associated Students, Records, IT and other Academic Affairs staff. The system was launched on Friday, Dec. 14 as part of a ribbon-cutting ceremony involving many of the individuals responsible for its creation.

“We have been listening to students, faculty, and staff to learn what we can do to help serve our entire community more effectively,” said Vollendorf. “We are grateful to the leadership in Associated Students as well as to our incredible staff for helping making this possible.”

Students who need a transcript for purposes such as graduation or applying for a job, or to further their education, can obtain them through electronic delivery within the hour. Through this process, students and alumni will get two official transcripts for free with each one thereafter costing $2.25.

“This is one of the first major projects we have undertaken in collaboration with student, faculty, and staff input to streamline forms and make our business services more student friendly,” said Vollendorf. “We are working to streamline and digitize more processes, so stay tuned for more exciting news to come.”

For more information, visit Sonoma State’s Records and Registration website.