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SSU Celebrates Disability Awareness Month

Sonoma State University will be celebrating its 10th anniversary of hosting disability awareness events during the month of April. Sponsored by Disability Services for Students and other departments, several events will be held on campus to commemorate Disability Awareness Month. All events are free and open to all faculty, staff and students.


Thursday, April 5, 11 a.m., Ballroom B of the Student Center

“Temple Grandin” Movie Viewing and Panel Discussion

A viewing of HBO’s “Temple Grandin,” followed by a panel discussion with SSU students, faculty and local community members who have first-hand experience with Autism.


Friday, April 6, 10 a.m., Schulz 1014

Read & Write Hands-On Presentation

Dr. Jack Nguyen, senior accessibility coordinator for Disability Services for Students, will provide a hands-on session teaching the campus community how to use Read & Write.


Monday, April 9, 11 a.m., Cooperage 1

Department of Rehabilitation

The Department of Rehabilitation will focus on the transition to work after graduation.


Tuesday, April 10, 2 p.m., Schulz 1014

Lights, Camera, Caption

An interactive tutorial on captioning videos and why it’s important. Captions help reduce language barriers and can improve learning experiences in less than favorable environments.


Tuesday, April 10, 3-4:30 p.m., location TBD

“Autism in Love” Film Viewing

The PSY 450 class Allies in Action will be holding a documentary film viewing of “Autism in Love,” a flim about about people on the Autism Spectrum finding love and forming relationships. 


Thursday, April 12, 5-6:15 p.m., location TBD

“Including Samuel” Film Viewing

The PSY 450 class Allies in Action will be holding a film viewing of “Including Samuel,” a documentary about a dad’s journey with his son who’s diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.


Monday, April 16, 2 p.m., Schulz 1014

Read & Write Hands-On Presentation

Dr. Jack Nguyen, senior accessibility coordinator for Disability Services for Students, will provide a hands-on session teaching the campus community how to use Read & Write.


Tuesday, April 17, 11 a.m., Salazar 2014

Department of Rehabilitation

The Department of Rehabilitation will be on campus to help students learn how to utilize helpful community resources.


Monday, April 23, 10 a.m., Schulz 1014

Lights, Camera, Caption

An interactive tutorial on captioning videos and why it’s important. Captions help reduce language barriers and can improve learning experiences in less than favorable environments.


Related links:

Disability Services for Students

Disability Awareness Month in the Library


-Nate Galvan