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Sonoma State to host ribbon-cutting for new housing complex for faculty and staff

(Rohnert Park) — Sonoma State University will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Thursday, June 6 to celebrate the opening of the Marina Crossing Apartments, SSU's new 90-unit housing complex for employees. All members of the media are invited. The ceremony will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the main entrance to the complex located at 785 Baywood Drive in Petaluma.

With the approval of the California State University Board of Trustees in November, Sonoma State purchased the Petaluma complex, designating it for faculty and staff housing. The university officially took ownership of the project in February and, with construction now complete, residents are starting to move in this weekend.

The project is a multifamily, five-story complex located on a 2.17-acre parcel adjacent to the Petaluma Marina. The complex, located roughly 10 miles south of campus, is close to the SMART train and is convenient to downtown Petaluma.

“This will allow us to address Sonoma State’s workforce housing needs in an immediate and significant way,” said Sonoma State President Judy K. Sakaki.

The ceremony will include remarks from President Sakaki, Sonoma County Supervisor Shirlee Zane, whose 3rd District includes SSU, and Joyce Lopes, Vice President for Administration and Finance at Sonoma State. Representatives from Basin Street Properties, the project developer, also will be available at the ceremony.

The acquisition of the Petaluma complex is the first step in a multi-year SSU housing initiative. Sakaki announced in October that Sonoma State has set a goal of providing on-campus housing for half of all students by 2040. Currently about 30 percent of the university’s 9,200 students live in residential student housing on campus.

Following the ceremony, tours of the apartment units and community spaces will be available, and refreshments will be served.

ABOUT US: With a student population of 9,200, Sonoma State is a regionally serving public university committed to educational access and excellence. Guided by our core values and driven by a commitment to the liberal arts and sciences, Sonoma State delivers high-quality education through innovative programs that leverage the economic, cultural and natural resources of the North Bay. See more news from SSU at /

Paul Gullixson