Seawolf Scheduler
Online Registration Made Easier with New System
Registering for classes can be difficult for busy students looking to make the most of their college careers. Combine that with part- or full-time employment, and the process can sometimes take hours and multiple sheets of scratch paper to complete. The new Seawolf Scheduler at Sonoma State University, released today, has given the process a technological facelift, and now it will be easier for students to plan their future starting with registration for the spring 2016 semester.
"I've always struggled finding the classes I need at times I'm available," says sophomore communications major Ashley Martin. "This new scheduling system will be a great help to balance my extra-curricular activities and class schedule."
Previously, students were only able to select certain classes at certain times in the online registration system, writing out their personal schedules by hand on paper. With the Seawolf Scheduler, students are able to input times they are unavailable, such as a work or sports schedule, and the system automatically generates multiple schedules with the classes they need in a calendar view based around their availability. Students are then able to choose the schedule that best works for them.
"What the Seawolf Scheduler does is assist with the planning aspect of registration," says Sean Johnson, senior director of records, reporting and analytics, who is overseeing the rollout of the Seawolf Scheduler. "It allows students to manage their time in a more efficient way."
For the registration for the upcoming spring semester, which takes place this month, students who prefer the pen and paper method are still able to register that way. Peer advisers and student leaders are available for any questions students have about the new system.
The new scheduling program is part of the California State University's E-Advising Initiative. The Seawolf Scheduler is Sonoma State's version of the College Scheduler used at nine other CSU campuses.