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Rwandan Genocide Commemoration

Professor Emerita McCaffrey speaks at Rwandan Genocide Commemoration

Sonoma State University faculty emerita Barbara McCaffrey was invited by the Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to speak at the Commemoration of the 22nd Anniversary of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi hosted by the Rwandan Embassy in Washington, D.C. on April 7.

She spoke in a panel with four other academics and educators titled "Fighting Genocide Ideology."

Rwandan Ambassador Mathilde Mukantabana was a speaker in Sonoma State's Holocaust and Genocide Lecture Series and a faculty member at Consumes Community College before she was appointed to her post two years ago. She is currently a Senior Advisor to the Alliance Board.

McCaffrey is professor emerita of 20th Century British and American Literature in the Hutchins School of Liberal Studies and President of the Alliance for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide.