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Residential Community Donation Drive

During the closing of the residence halls for the summer, students throw away or donate a many items that they either don't need , don't want, or simply cannot fit in their car. Given this fact, the SSU National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) and Residential Student Association (RSA) are joining forces with the local Goodwill to sponsor a clothing, large item and e-waste drive. The event will not only help bring much needed clothing and household items to those in need, but also will provide the SSU chapter of NRHH an opportunity to raise funds needed to continue its recognition efforts for those who live within the residence halls at SSU.

The event is on Sunday, April 22 (Earth Day) from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the F Lot on the SSU campus. 

If you have clothing, household appliances or furniture, or e-waste Items, please bring them to the F Lot on the 22nd. If you have items but cannot make it to campus on the 22nd, please contact Mo Phillips at, or Taylor Boehm at for more information or to arrange for a local pick up. Goodwill receipts will be provided for items.

The Goodwill has agreed to donate funds to the NRHH chapter for filling a truck with the items listed below. The money will all go back to the students through recognition for their involvement in the residence halls and campus community, possible attendance to regional conferences and our annual recognition banquets.

Acceptable Items
• Appliances- small, portable & working
• Bedding
• Books
• CDs, DVDs & VHS (commercial)
• Clothing
• Furniture
• Games
• Household Items
• Jewelry/ Accessories
• Kitchenware
• Linens
• Purses/ Bags
• Shoes

• Cell Phones
• CD & DVD Players
• Computer Parts
• Laptops
• Monitors
• Printers/ Scanners
• Televisions