Professor Tim Wandling Presents at international Lord Byron Conference

July 2, 2024
Portrait of Lord Byron

Portrait of Lord Byron

Professor Timothy Wandling

SSU Professor Timothy Wandling


Acropolis, currently housing Lord Byron exhibit

Portrait of Lord Byron
Professor Timothy Wandling

On Independence Day in the U.S., Sonoma State English Professor Tim Wandling will be in Greece presenting a paper at the International Byron Conference, marking the 200th anniversary of Lord Byron’s death. Wandling will present his paper, “The Ends of Eternity:  Byron, Auden and ‘Gay and Witty Muses,’” at the conference, being held July 1-8 in Athens and Messolonghi, Greece. 

Wandling said the paper draws on content included in his fall junior seminar course, “Literature Now and Then: Queer Genealogies,” which examines queer and closeted voices in 19th-century poetry.

A specialist in poetry and politics, Wandling is working on a book about Romanticism-era poets and singer-songwriters of the 1970s.

Media Contact

Janet Durkin