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Learning Rocks

Geology Lecture Series Brings Experts from Northern California

Sonoma State University's Geology Lecture Series brings speakers from around Northern California to the Rohnert Park campus. Lectures are in Darwin 128 at noon on Thursdays. All are welcome to join the speaker for an informal lunch on campus after the talk. Admission is free, parking is $5-$8 on campus.

September 29 

Evaluating Soils & Land to Design Vineyards for Peak Quality and Performance

Alan Busacca, Vinitas Consulting

October 4

Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, and Shoreline Retreat

Gary Griggs, UC Santa Cruz

October 20 

Total Shortening and Crustal Structure of the Greater Caucasus and it's Relation to Backarc Basin Closure and Slab Breakoff During Arabia-Eurasia Collision

Chad Trexler, UC Davis

October 27

Using Mineral Chronometers to Investigate Mountain Building; Examples From the Peruvian Andes and Southern Cascades

Melanie Michalek, Humbolt State

November 3

Emplacement and crystallization of lavas erupted in northern California, Galapagos Islands, and from Mt. Cameroon

Rachel Teasdale, Chico State

November 10

Sources and Effects of Atmospheric Pollutants on Aquatic Ecosystems in Wilderness Areas of the Western United States

Leora Nanus, San Francisco State

The John and Mary Louise Riley Geology Lecture Series is sponsored by the Geology Club, an academic club with the common interest of rocks, fossils, and the Earth.

Nicolas Grizzle