Juried Student Exhibition
Artworld Professionals Select Pieces for Special Exhibit
One of the highlights of the University Art Gallery's program is the annual presentation of the Juried Student Exhibition. This year's exhibition features over 35 artworks in a variety of media, such as painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, drawing, and mixed media, which reflect courses offered in the art studio program at SSU.
For art students and their professors, the show serves as a chance to see work from class assignments and other projects selected by two jurors--frequently regional artists and curators--which is then presented in a professional gallery environment. This year, the jurors were Rob Ceballos and Chandra Cerrito.
For nearly everyone else not aware of the ongoing work of these talented students and their mentors, it is a revelation. The level of technical skill and creative thought displayed by these students, many of whom are just beginning their training as artists, is truly impressive.
Additionally, exhibitions such as this provide Art Gallery interns and other students interested in a gallery or museum-related career an opportunity for valuable hands-on experience installing works of art. More than a few of these students, from both the Studio and Art History programs, have gone on to prestigious graduate programs, teaching positions, and careers as working artists or in galleries and museums.
The University Art Gallery is open Tuesday-Friday, 11a.m. - 4p.m., Saturday and Sunday, noon - 4p.m. Admission is free. For more information call 707-664-2295.