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History of Bollywood Film

Film Professor Discusses Bollywood at History Museum of Sonoma County

Sonoma State University professor Ajay Gehlawat is speaking at the History Museum of Sonoma County in Santa Rosa on Dec. 10 in conjunction with the Smithsonian's traveling exhibition, "Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Shape the Nation."

This specific talk is entitled "Here Comes the Bollywood Bride: Rearranging Marriages in 21st Century Indian Cinema," and explores marriage in Bollywood, a central theme undergoing transformation within the genre. 

Gehlawat will examine a series of recent Bollywood films as well as contemporary works by Indian filmmakers outside of Bollywood. He teaches theater and film in the Hutchins School of Liberal Arts at Sonoma State. His books include "The Slumdog Phenomenon: A Critical Anthology" (2013) and, most recently, "Twenty-First Century Bollywood" (2015).

A meet-the-speaker reception begins at 6:30 p.m. and the talk begins at 7 p.m. For more information, or to purchase tickets, visit Tickets are $5 for students with ID, $10 for museum members and $15 for general admission.

Nicolas Grizzle