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Grants and Sponsored Programs Report, May-June 30, 2017

Sonoma State University received $735,050 in new grant funding in the months of May and June. Congratulations to the following principal investigators and project directors who have received new, additional or extended support for their sponsored awards.

School of Education

Department: Office of the Dean
Who: Carlos Ayala
Source: Trustees of the California State University/Chevron USA Inc.
Grant: CSU Pathways to New STEM Teacher Excellence 2017-18
Amount: $100,000
New Award

Department: Curriculum Studies and Secondary Education
Who: Kelly Estrada
Source: US Department of Education
Grant: Accelerating Academic Achievement for English Learners: English Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Program for Limited English Proficient Children
Amount: Total funding $1,158,358
Award extended until December 31, 2017

School of Science and Technology

Department: Biology
Who: Dr. Hall Cushman
Source: US Department of the Interior
Grant: Understanding Ecological Interactions Between Free-Ranging Tule Elk and Cattle in the Pastoral Regions of Point Reyes National Seashore
Amount: Total funding $77,000
Award extended until March 30, 2018

Department: Mathematics
Who: Dr. Martha Byrne
Source: American Institute of Mathematics
Grant: Wine Country Math Teachers’ Circle
Amount: $2,000
New Award

Department: Mathematics
Who: Dr. Ben Ford
Source: Regents of the University of California/California Subject Matter Project Grant:  North Bay Math Project 2014 – 2017
Grant: Transforming College Teaching: Statewide Implementation of the Faculty Learning Program to Improve STEM Undergraduate Teaching and Learning
Amount: Total funding $63,000
Award extended until June 30, 2018

Department: Physics and Astronomy
Who: Dr. Lynn Cominsky
Source: NASA
Grant: Fermi and Swift Communications and Outreach
Amount: Additional funding of $100,000 (for a total of $300,000)

Department: Physics and Astronomy
Who: Dr. Lynn Cominsky
Source: National Science Foundation
Grant: Teaching Einstein’s Universe at Community Colleges
Amount: Total funding $239,836
Award extended until June 30, 2018

School of Social Sciences

Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Mary Praetzellis & Dr. Thomas Whitley
Source: 1066 Market LLC.
Grant: 1066 Market Street Archaeological Testing Plan
Amount: $38,000
New Award

Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Mary Praetzellis & Dr. Thomas Whitley
Source: 1532 Harrison Investment LLC
Grant: 1532 Harrison Street Archaeological Mitigation Measures
Amount: Additional funding of $13,800 (for a total of $67,090)
Award extended until June 30, 2018

Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Mary Praetzellis & Dr. Thomas Whitley
Source: California Department of Transportation
Grant: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Acts (NAGPRA)
Amount: Total funding $150,000
Award extended until June 30, 2019

Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Mary Praetzellis & Dr. Thomas Whitley
Source: GDH, Incorporated
Grant: City of Santa Rosa, North Trunk Sewer Replacement Project
Amount: $10,400
New Award

Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Mary Praetzellis & Dr. Thomas Whitley
Source: Pacific Howard Corporation
Grant: 555 Howard Street Archaeological Testing Plan
Amount: $38,000
New Award

Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Mary Praetzellis & Dr. Thomas Whitley
Source: California Department of Transportation
Grant: CALTRANS On-Call 2017-2020
Amount: $300,000
New Award

Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Dr. Thomas Whitley & Mary Praetzellis
Source: Carol and Ned Spieker Fund
Grant: Saddleback Ranch Archaeological Project – Phase III
Amount: Additional funding of $69,500 (for a total of $111,500)

Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Dr. Thomas Whitley & Mary Praetzellis
Source: River Partners
Grant: Archaeological Resources Study for the Dos Rios Ranch Project
Amount: Additional funding of $33,350 (for a total of $67,550)

Department: Psychology
Who: Dr. Jesse Bengson
Source: California State University/CSU Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB)
Grant: Inference of internal attention focus by examination of scalp EEG in humans
Amount: $15,000
New Award

Division of Student Affairs

Department: Student Academic Service
Who: Matthew Benney
Source: Community Foundation Sonoma County
Grant: Seawolf Scholars Program, Basic Human Needs
Amount: Additional funding of $10,000 (for a total of $30,000)
Award extended until June 30, 2018

Department: Student Academic Service
Who: Matthew Benney
Source: Power to Soar Foundation
Grant: Critical Needs Funds,
Amount: Additional funding of $5,000 (for a total of $10,000)
Award extended until December 31, 2017

Nicolas Grizzle