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Grants and Sponsored Programs Report, March 2019

Congratulations to the following principal investigators and project directors who have received new, additional or extended support for their sponsored awards.

School of Arts and Humanities 

Department: English

Who: Dr. Anne Goldman

Source:  The Israel Institute, Inc

Grant: The Poetics and Politics of Place: Amoz Oz and Modern Israel

Amount: $11,398

New Award


School of Social Sciences 

Department: Anthropological Studies Center

Who: Dr. Thomas Whitley

Source: Audubon Canyon Ranch

Grant: Cultural Resources Studies in Sonoma and Marin Counties

Amount: $30,000

New Award 


Department: Anthropological Studies Center

Who: Dr. Thomas Whitley

Source:  Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc

Grant: The Shasta Dam Raise Project

Amount: $11,000

New Award 


Department: Northwest Information Center

Who: Bryan Much

Source: Office of Historic Preservation/ the US Department of the Interior

Grant:  Office of Historic Preservation FEMA

Amount: Award extended until May 17, 2019


Department: Northwest Information Center

Who: Bryan Much 

Source: PG&E

Grant: Pacific Gas & Electric - Northwest Information Center Subscription

Amount: $142,153.12

New Award 


Division of Administration & Finance

Department: Operations and Engineering

Who: Shawn Potts

Source: University of Nevada, Reno/University of California, San Diego/Sonoma County Water Agency

Grant: Alert Wildfire

Amount: $10,000

New Award


Division of Student Affairs

Department: Health and Wellness

Who: Dr. Stacey Heldman-Holguin and Erik Dickson

Source: CSU, Chico Research Foundation/California Department of Social Services/United States Department of Agriculture​

Grant: CalFresh

Amount: Funding for Year 1 $42,558; total funding for 3 years. $129,813

New Award