Grants and Sponsored Programs March 2017
Sonoma State University received $241,992 in new grant funding in the month March. Congratulations to the following principal investigators and project directors who have received new, additional or extended support for their sponsored awards.
Department: Biology
Who: Dr. Daniel Crocker
Source: National Marine Mammal Foundation/US Department of Defense
Grant: Molecular Indicators of Chronic Stress in a Model Pinniped - The Northern Elephant Seals
Amount: Total funding $82,488
Award extended until September 30, 2018
Department: Biology
Who: Dr. Mackenzie Zippay
Source: National Science Foundation
Grant: Collaborative Research: Using an Energetics Framework to Forecast the Interactive Effects of Abiotic and Biotic Stressors on Intertidal Mussels
Amount: Additional funding of $59,067 (for a total of $119,160)
Department: Physics and Astronomy
Who: Dr. Lynn Cominsky
Source: University of California, San Diego
Grant: Learning by Making in the Aerospace Workforce Development Pipeline
Amount: $3,000
New Award
Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Dr. Adrian Praetzellis & Dr. Thomas Whitley
Source: AGI Avant, Inc.
Grant: Archaeological Monitoring Program for 1270 Mission Street
Amount: $16,000
New Award
Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Dr. Adrian Praetzellis & Dr. Thomas Whitley
Source: Wylatti Resource Management, Inc.
Grant: Emergency Studies in Connection with Caltrans Culvert Replacement near Dos Rios
Amount: $64,000
New Award
Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Dr. Adrian Praetzellis & Dr. Thomas Whitley
Source: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Grant: CAL FIRE on Call 2016-2019
Amount: Additional funding of $65,525 (for a total of $537,426)
Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Dr. Adrian Praetzellis & Dr. Thomas Whitley
Source: 1532 Harrison Investment LLC
Grant: 1532 Harrison
Amount: Additional funding of $9,500 (for a total of $53,290)
Department: Intercollegiate Athletics
Who: Michael Ogg, Julie Rudy
Source: NCAA
Grant: Injured Athlete Wellness Program: Creation of an Internet-Based Intervention, Providing Mental Health Support for Injured Athletes
Amount: $24,900
New Award