Grants and Sponsored Programs, December 2016-January 2017
Sonoma State University received $1,143,827 in new grant funding in the months of December, 2016 and January, 2017. Congratulations to the following principal investigators and project directors who have received new, additional or extended support for their sponsored awards.
School of Education
Department: Education
Who: Dr. Rhianna Casesa
Source: California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Grant: Sonoma State Advancement for Bilingual Educators (SSABE)
Amount: $199,728
New Award
School of Science and Technology
Department: Center for Environmental Inquiry
Who: Dr. Claudia Luke
Source: Sonoma County Water Agency
Grant: Watershed Academics to Enhance Regional Sustainability (WATERS) Collaborative
Amount: additional funding of $338,778 (for a total of $591,247)
Award extended until December 31, 2019
Department: Center for Environmental Inquiry
Who: Dr. Claudia Luke
Source: Tree Research & Education Endowment Fund
Grant: Integrated Vegetation Management on Powerline Rights-of Ways
Amount: $175,000
New Award
Department: Office of the Dean
Who: Dr. Lynn Stauffer
Source: The Regents of the University of California/National Science Foundation
Grant: Transforming College Teaching: Statewide Implementation of the Faculty Learning Program to Improve STEM Undergraduate Teaching and Learning
Amount: $97,562
New Award
Department: Office of the Dean
Who: Dr. Lynn Stauffer
Source: The Regents of the University of California
Grant: MESA Engineering Program MEP
Amount: Additional funding of $10,000 (for a total of $30,000)
Award extended until June 30, 2017
Department: Physics and Astronomy
Who: Dr. Lynn Cominsky and Susan Wandling
Source: U.S. Department of Education
Grant: Learning by Making: STEM Success for Mendocino County
Amount: Additional funding of $4,459 (for a total of $1,825,288)
School of Social Sciences
Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Dr. Adrian Praetzellis
Source: Jerry Dion, River Partners
Grant: Archaeological Resources Study for the Dos Rios Ranch Project
Amount: $50,600
New Award
Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Dr. Adrian Praetzellis
Source: Granite Construction
Grant: Valley Fire Complex - Lake County
Amount: $250,000
New Award
Department: Anthropological Studies Center
Who: Dr. Adrian Praetzellis
Source: GHD
Grant: Santa Rosa Oakmont WWTP
Amount: $17,700
New Award