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Expanding Student Research

$1 Million Donation from Koret Foundation Expands Student Research Projects at SSU

Sonoma State University has received a $1 million donation from the Koret Foundation. The investment will be used to fund three years of student projects at Sonoma State, as well as upgrade classroom technology.

The donation is part of a $50 million multi-year initiative supporting 12 Bay Area higher education institutions. The Koret University Partners Initiative will provide significant funding to improve student success and build longterm capacity at these leading education institutions.

The donation creates funding for hundreds of students per year to participate in a creative scholarly experience project, and for faculty to work with students on these projects. To date, 65 percent of Sonoma State students are able to participate in some type of scholarly research.

"A liberal arts education with a signature scholarly experience like this prepares students to be more innovative and creative in the workforce," says SSU Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Andrew Rogerson. "It also improves their communication skills and ability to work in a team environment, two things employers are demanding in the 21st-century job market."

Studies by the American Association of Colleges and Universities and other professional societies show the value of undergraduate research as a high-impact practice promoting student engagement and learning. Students who participate in research are more likely to graduate in a timely manner and more likely to enroll in graduate or professional school.

The SSU Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Experiences (SOURCE) will work directly with the University's schools and departments to identify and fund the projects.

"The Koret Foundation is proud to fund this initiative that builds on and expands our longstanding commitment to these important Bay Area academic institutions," says Michael Boskin, president of the Koret Foundation. "This program is designed to be a catalyst for new approaches to optimize student success, improve completion rates, and bolster career advancement opportunities, particularly among underserved populations."

Nicolas Grizzle