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Environmental Forum

Lecture Series Gives Insight on Local Topics and Beyond

The Environmental Forum returns to Sonoma State University this fall to discuss the shared challenges faced by our community. Lectures include local topics like Cotati's new SMART train station, as well as broad ones, like the concept of wilderness in society. The series culminates on Dec. 10 when student and faculty leaders will discuss how to get involved with sustainability at SSU.

The series is held Thursday, noon to 12:50 p.m. in Ives 101. For more information visit Admission is free, parking is $5-$8 on campus.

Sept. 17

Helping Communities Embrace Sustainability

Cyane Dandridge, Executive Director, Strategic Energy Innovations
By educating youth, engaging government agencies around policy and systemic change, and creating new job opportunities, we can -- through innovation, education and implementation -- dramatically shift our climate crisis.

Sept. 24

Farming with the Wild 

Dan Imhoff, Author, Farmer, Researcher, Musician
From food and farming to environmental design and conservation, Dan Imhoff has been a leading voice in supporting agricultural systems that support and accommodate wild nature. "Farming is the Wind: Enhancing Biodiversity on Farms and Ranches" is the title of his recent book and the broad focus of this talk.

Oct. 1

Creeks as a Living Lab for Sustainability Learning

Caroline Christian, Ph.D., Associate Professor, ENSP
We have a creek on campus that offers a wide range of opportunities for scientific study and ecological research. Recipient of a recent CSU Sustainability grant, Dr. Christian will help us understand the value of creeks as classrooms for sustainability.

Oct. 8

Climate Engineering: What's It All About

Will Burns, Ph.D., Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment
Climate change geoengineering is all over the news. But what does it really mean? A leading scholar in this field will help us explore philosophical perspectives, legal issues, and government frameworks in this controversial field.

Oct. 15

Planning: What it is and Why You Should Care

Tom Jacobson, JD, MCP, AICP, Professor, ENSP
Learn why our department believes that effective planning is a critical tool for big cities, small towns, and open space as well as healthy and sustainable communities.

Oct. 22

Landpaths: Step Into the Outside

Craig Anderson, Executive Director
LandPaths' mission is to foster a love of the land in Sonoma County. LandPaths creates ways for people to experience the beauty, understand the value, and assist in healing the land in their local communities.

Oct. 29

My Best Days as an Environmental Professional

Bill Anderson, Past-president, American Planning Association
The Immediate Past President of the 40,000 member American Planning Association, and ENSP's 2015-16 Planner in Residence, talks about when he did his best work and had the most fun.

Nov. 5

Shifting Meanings of Wildness and Wilderness

Laura Watt, Ph.D., Chair and Associate Professor, ENSP
Our society loves the ideal of something being "wild" -- with a will of its own, beyond human control -- yet we are often uncomfortable with the unpredictability that comes with wildness and wilderness. So what does it mean to be both "wild" and managed?

Nov. 12

Here Comes the Smart Train

Libby Dippel and Stephanie Copp, Community Outreach Coordinators
There's a train coming to Cotati! Come learn all about the new train system opening next year. From train safety to environmental impact, this talk will help students understand the importance of this exciting new transit option.

Nov. 19

Climate Leadership: Sonoma and Beyond

Ann Hancock, Climate Protection Campaign
This talk will focus on how to inspire, align, and mobilize action in response to the climate crisis. Our local campaign helps business, government, youth and the broader community to advance practical, science-based solutions for significant greenhouse gas emission reductions.

Dec. 3

Hope and Tragedy on a Warming Planet: Dispatches from the UN Climate Negotiations

John Isom, Lecturer, ENSP
In December the world's nations will meet in Paris to try to forge an ambitious, fair, and long-term agreement to cut human-made greenhouse gases. What are the main issues being negotiated? How will an agreement affect developed and developing countries alike? What happens if the agreement falls short? And what about ecosystem health and biodiversity in the face of climate change?

Dec. 10

Sustainability Opportunities at SSU

Student and Faculty Leaders

The focus of this class is on what's already happening at SSU and how you can be involved in the years ahead. From JUMP, to our campus food bank garden, to dorm energy use monitoring to our comprehensive Sustainability Report Card -- there are lots of ways to build your resume while helping your campus and community become more sustainable.