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Congrats IT/Infrastructure Team!

SSU IT/Infrastructure 3rd Place in Team Bike Challenge

Congratulations to Eric Eisenhart, Bob Bach, Michael Nelson, Jon Boehlke and Geoffrey Cirullo who comprised the SSU IT/Infrastructure Team and earned third place in the Sonoma County Team category for the 23rd Annual Bike to Work Day! They are being recognized for their dedication in riding thousands of miles throughout the month of May. Way to go!

May is National Bike Month. Almost 40 percent of Bay Area commuters live within just five miles of their workplace, a bike-able distance for even inexperienced cyclists. If every person living this close to their workplace ditched their cars on Bike to Work Day alone, more than 60,000 vehicles would be off the road, reducing tailpipe emissions by more than 150,000 pounds. Everyone’s commute is improved when people ride a bike. To join next year check out