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Commencement 2017 Staffing

Plans for Commencement 2017, which will take place May 20 and May 21, are well under way. As many of you know, those of us here at Sonoma State think of graduation as an “all hands on deck” community celebration. This custom continues this year, and the following outlines our expectations for MPP and staff participation.

Management Personnel (MPP)

MPPs from all of the University’s divisions (Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Administration and Finance, and Advancement) are expected to work a minimum of two shifts during Commencement this year. Those MPPs who cannot attend must request an exception from their respective vice presidents.

To sign up for your shifts, please go online to the 2017 Commencement Staffing form, fill out your contact information, click the MPP box and select your first and second preferences as soon as possible. We will do everything we can to honor your request. We expect to post the staffing schedule on or before May 1.


Some essential employees, such as those regularly assigned to work large events at the Green Music Center (including all Facilities and Housekeeping staff), will be assigned to work on Commencement weekend unless directed otherwise. Please check with your appropriate administrator to determine if you have been assigned to work Commencement weekend.

For all other staff, there is no requirement to work at Commencement. Your participation is completely voluntary. If you are someone who enjoys getting involved in our graduation ceremonies and want to work two shifts during the weekend, please feel free to sign up for two shifts. You will receive CTO time for your service.

To sign up for the shifts you prefer, please go online to the 2017 Commencement Staffing form, enter your contact information, click on the Staff box and select your first and second preferences. We will make every effort to accommodate your requests.