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Biology Colloquium

Lecture Series Includes Topics of Ocean Acidification, Zoo Animal Behavior and More

Sonoma State University's Biology Colloquium features exciting lectures on gut microbiota, ocean acidification effects on coastal marine species, zoo animal behavior and more. The series culminates with a presentation by Dr. Imilce A. Rodriguez-Fernandez from the Buck Institute on fruit flies and their intestinal stem cells. Lectures take place on Tuesdays, noon to 1 p.m. in Darwin 103. Admission is free, parking on campus is $5-$8.

January 24

Introductory Meeting

Dr. Lisa Bentley, Colloquium Coordinator


January 31

Oiled Wildlife Response in California: How Biologists Are Involved

Dr. Nancy Anderson, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, OWCN


February 7 

Identifying Molecular Hallmarks of Aging to Guide the Development of Anti-aging Therapies

Dr. Simon Melov, Buck Institute for Research on Aging


February 14

Direct and Indirect Contrils of Precipitation on ANPP: Legacies, Meristem Limitation and Plant Communities

Dr. Lara G. Reichmann, UC Berkeley


February 21

Bugs, Guts and Brains: How Gut Microbiota Shapes Your Mind and Body

Dr. Helen Raybould, UC Davis


February 28

Challenges and New Approaches for Understanding Coastal Marine Species Under Ocean Acidification

Dr. Anneliese Hettinger, Oregon State University


March 7

A Role for Transcriptomics in Environmental Physiology, Global Change Biology, and Finding the 'Genes that Matter' for Environmental Adaptation

Dr. Tyler Evans, California State University, East Bay


March 21


Kathern Corn, Ph.D. Candidate, UC Davis


March 28

Understanding the Current and Historical Role of Pinnipeds in Antarctic Trophic Webs: New Insights from Stable Isotopes Analysis

Dr. Luis Huckstadt, UC Santa Cruz


April 4

Love and Chemical Warfare: the Battle of the Sexes over Female Reproductive Behaviours in Drosophila

Dr. Meghan Laturney, UC Berkeley


April 11

Cold Rain and Snow: Plant Responses to Precipitation Change

Dr. Michael Loik, UC Santa Cruz


April 18

Challenges and Successes in Developing Solvent-Tolerant Bacteria: Use of Proteins in Strain Engineering

Dr. Aindrila Mukhopadhyay, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


April 25

Zoo Animal Behavior and Welfare: Observations, Ideas and Experiments

Dr. Jason Watters, San Francisco Zoological Society


May 2

A Comparative Analysis of High pCO2 Effects on Rockfish (genus Sebastes) Physiology

Dr. Cheryl Logan, California State University, Monterey Bay


May 9

A New Proteostasis Checkpoint in Drosophila Intestinal Stem Cells

Dr. Imilce A. Rodriguez-Fernandez, Buck Institute for Research on Aging