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Big Screen

LoboVision Brings Bright New Communication Tool to Campus

An eye-catching new 300 square-foot digital screen is increasing awareness of events and programs for students at Sonoma State University.

The screen, strategically located in Seawolf Plaza in the heart of campus, will not only improve awareness among students and promote events, but also offer a place where students can gather to watch live campus sporting events, commencement ceremonies and movies. It is called LoboVision as a nod to the university's mascot, Lobo the Seawolf.

LoboVision is projected to reach 4,000 students per day, says Ryan Ernst, director of sales and marketing for entrepreneurial activities.

Director of Campus Life Mo Phillips sees LoboVision as something that will bring the university together and help engage students. "Anything that helps students know what's going on is a good thing," she says. "LoboVision is very visible and is another way to bring the campus together and reach those students who we might not normally reach."

LoboVision was financed with capital improvement funds, which are designated for campus life purposes only. These funds have the specific purpose of funding repairs, renovations and improvements for the Recreation Center, which the screen is mounted on, and Student Center, which it is adjacent to. This money cannot be used for classes or other purposes not related to capital improvements.

Nicolas Grizzle