Arab Spring Organizers Give Lecture
Model United Nations Delegation Hosts Discussion with Ahmed Salah
Two organizers of last year's Egyptian uprising will be part of a special evening called "Arab Spring: Evolving Strategies" at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 22 in the Commons. The event is hosted by the Sonoma State University Model United Nations Delegation. The event is free and open to the public.
Egyptian activist Ahmed Salah, a key planner for the January 2011 Egyptian protests at Tahrir Square, will be speaking to the SSU community along with his fiance who also played a role in the events of the last year.
Recently, Ahmed received credible information that there would be another severe crackdown and round of arrests by the Egyptian military, and that he was on the list to be targeted.
His fiancé, Mahitab Elgilani, who was also active in the protests, has also been harassed and threatened by authorities looking for Salah, says Political Science Professor Cynthia Boaz who is organizing the event. Ahmed and Mahitab are now in the United States, speaking to students around the country about the events in Egypt and the Arab World.
More on Ahmed Salah, visit
See him speak on youtube.
In addition to the guest speakers, the Model UN club will be hosting a silent auction featuring items from local artisans and vendors.
For more information, please contact Political Science Professor Cynthia Boaz at (707) 664-2589 or