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Ajay Gehlawat Speaks

Film Professor Lectures at SF Asian Art Museum

Sonoma State University professor Ajay Gehlawat is giving a talk about the Indian film industry for the Society for Asian Art in San Francisco. The society's fall 2015 Arts of Asia series, "Asia's Storied Traditions," explores narrative usage in Asian art, including how myths, legends, histories and moral precepts have been transmitted through visual means.

Professor Gehlawat teaches theater and film in the Hutchins School of Liberal Arts at Sonoma State. His books include "The Slumdog Phenomenon: A Critical Anthology" (2013) and, most recently, "Twenty-First Century Bollywood" (2015). His two-hour lecture, "Where is this story going: The paradiegetic pleasures of popular Hindi Cinema," takes place at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco on Sept. 25 at 10:30 a.m. Admission is $20 and may include admission to the museum, subject to availability.