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SSU Hosts Inaugural Undocu-Week on Campus Nov. 7-14

In an effort to spread awareness of resources and to show support for undocumented students, Sonoma State University hosts its first ever Undocu-week on campus November 7-14.

"I hope this event brings awareness but also fosters a sense of inclusivity on campus," says Chicano and Latino Studies Professor Dr. Mariana G. Martinez, one of the organizers of the event. "We are showing our undocumented students that there is support for them on campus."

The number of undocumented students at Sonoma State increased from 140 last year to more than 160 this year, says Martinez. "These issues are more prevalent right now, especially with this election," she added.

The week kicks off Monday, Nov. 7 with a special event for members of the Undocu-Scholar Coalition entitled "Dialogo Entre Nosotros (Dialogue Between Us)," 5-7 p.m. in the Cooperage.

On Tuesday, Nov. 8, students can visit the financial aid and scholarship workshops, noon to 1 p.m. in Stevenson 1002, and faculty and staff can register for an undocu-ally training in Stevenson 1040 at noon.

Analilia Gonzaga gives a talk Wednesday, Nov. 9 at noon in the Sonoma Valley Room.

On Thursday, Nov. 10 at noon in Stevenson 1002, Martinez presents a lecture entitled "Undocumented Students Speak Out" as part of the Women's and Gender Studies Lecture Series. The lecture covers policies including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), License information (AB-60), California Dream Act, and AB-540. UndocuScholar Coalition leaders will also speak about their experiences and discuss the plans to start a Dream Center on campus.

The week's event continue online on Saturday, Nov. 12 with National Educators Coming Out Day. Students, faculty and staff are invited to participate on social media with #EducatorsOut and #UNDDEEP.

A multicultural club celebration rounds out the week on Monday, Nov. 14., 5-7 p.m. in the Cooperage.

This event is sponsore by the UndocuScholars Coaltion (formerly the DREAMers Club), the Office of Diversity and Inclusive Excellence, School of Education, School of Business and Economics, and the Women and Gender Studies Lecture Series.

Nicolas Grizzle